Now that is interesting. I googled 'we not me' and found that there is a group called 'we not me movement' There is no indication that they are Christian, but they are onto it.
The question that revolves in my mind is, 'how can we break free from our me obsession?' The problem is, I live in my mind and see the world through my eyes, I feel the world through my senses etc. I am locked in. That movie 'Being John Malkovich' explores this idea. If only we can get inside the minds of others. The truth is, we wouldn't want to, we would experience their internal dialogue, and probably go mad!
Seems to me we need to become great listeners, we need to engage people deeply in relationships and then seek to understand their world and how they see it. I think the truth is I talk to much and listen too little, always have and probably always will.
As an economic unit who must produce to keep the system going, how does one break free for the we! And the more I worry about life, am locked into my own myopic and narcissistic concerns and desires, the less I am living the we and not the me. As Queen sing, 'I want to break free.' Ah, questions, questions, challenges.
Whatever the solution I know this, I need to learn to live in the we! I need to commit to being in the PEOPLE of God not just live out a pietistic individual vertical 'me and God' faith. I need to commit not only to being 'we' but serving in it and counting the cost. I need to cut across 'people I like' to break down barriers of age, gender, race, intellect, etc etc.
What a rant. Got to go, some me stuff to do. Most importantly at this early hour coffee.
One other thing. Facebook and other social networks create a new kind of 'we'. I have found perhaps 50 old friends from my past so far. Found another one last night. I am now staying connected to people in a new way. There are new e-we systems forming. Time will tell what that will do to our world.
The question that revolves in my mind is, 'how can we break free from our me obsession?' The problem is, I live in my mind and see the world through my eyes, I feel the world through my senses etc. I am locked in. That movie 'Being John Malkovich' explores this idea. If only we can get inside the minds of others. The truth is, we wouldn't want to, we would experience their internal dialogue, and probably go mad!
Seems to me we need to become great listeners, we need to engage people deeply in relationships and then seek to understand their world and how they see it. I think the truth is I talk to much and listen too little, always have and probably always will.
As an economic unit who must produce to keep the system going, how does one break free for the we! And the more I worry about life, am locked into my own myopic and narcissistic concerns and desires, the less I am living the we and not the me. As Queen sing, 'I want to break free.' Ah, questions, questions, challenges.
Whatever the solution I know this, I need to learn to live in the we! I need to commit to being in the PEOPLE of God not just live out a pietistic individual vertical 'me and God' faith. I need to commit not only to being 'we' but serving in it and counting the cost. I need to cut across 'people I like' to break down barriers of age, gender, race, intellect, etc etc.
What a rant. Got to go, some me stuff to do. Most importantly at this early hour coffee.
One other thing. Facebook and other social networks create a new kind of 'we'. I have found perhaps 50 old friends from my past so far. Found another one last night. I am now staying connected to people in a new way. There are new e-we systems forming. Time will tell what that will do to our world.
ps but I love that you have an opinion, wish more people did
Mark maybe the 'me' in a church will change to a 'we' when 'me' sees the person 'me' never wants to sit next to or chat to as Jesus ( a brother/sister hidden in Christ). I think that in practicality 'me' can pray for a change of attitude but 'me' must take the first step and in 'determination' to walk in Christs' footsteps seek out the undesirable (to me) and proactively put 'me' in a position where 'me' is uncomfortable, then trust that grace will flow.