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Is It Time for Kiwi Churches to Disobey the Government? Short Answer for Me: No.

I was asked the other day by a pastor whether it is time for the church to say no to the government requirements concerning vaccine certificates. The pastor spoke of not wanting to be a bouncer and having to find ways to block the unvaccinated from services. I sent off an email later that day, but the question is nagging away at me. I thought I would throw some thoughts down.

The injunction to obey the governing authorities is clear in the NT. First, Jesus endorses the payment of taxes to Caesar (Mark 12:17 & parallels). Second, Paul twice urges readers to submit to the government authorities including paying taxes (Rom 13:1ā€“7; Tit 3:1). Third, Peter urges his readers to subject themselves to human authorities including the king. On the whole, this picks up the OT threads of the same including the likes of Joseph, Daniel, and Esther, being obedient (in the main) to the governments of the day. The general view is that governments are used by God as a means to govern his world to deal with evil and promote goodness. 

Still, there is clear evidence throughout the Bible that this injunction to submit is not unlimited obedience. There are times when believers will refuse the government, usually when it asks believers or the church to violate the core of the gospel, especially placing submission to a government above God himself. So, in the book of Daniel, despite being a very important official in the Babylonian government, Daniel refused to bow to an idol and was thrown into a lionā€™s den. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, similarly, were thrown into a fire for the same. Many were martyred in Israelā€™s history for such refusals, especially in the Maccabean revolt. Revelation 13 suggests that there is a time to say no to a government asking believers to violate the exclusive worship of God. Romans, Titus, and 1 Peter exhort believers to worship God and his Son, and as such, while they are to obey the government, there is a limit on this.

So, where are we at here in NZ?

The government has introduced vaccine mandates whereby when we go into the so-called traffic light system, under red (the harshest level), churches are allowed up to 100 people present if all people present vaccination certificates. If not, the limit is 10 people. Hence, if we have mixed gatherings, the limit is ten people in a room worshiping together. When we move to orange, the limit on numbers is removed if the attendees all have the certificates, whereas groups including those without the certificates are limited to 50 people. The third level is green where again there is no limit for those with the vaccination certificates while if the uncertificated are included, the limit is 100. (See for this,

So, churches have a choice when we move into the red light system on December 3. They can obey the government and reopen with the limit of 100 as long as people have the certificates. If not, the limit is 10. I imagine some churches will simply reject this and meet with as many as they want to. They may include those who believe ā€œenough is enough,ā€ perhaps including those who are currently protesting across the country. Others will choose not to reopen at all rather than doing this, continuing zoom, youtube, or videoed services to avoid the problem (this is of course an example of compliance). Some might get creative and join together in groups of varying sizes across a geographical area (again, an example of compliance). Others will obey the government and meet with groups of up to 100 people with vaccination certificates. They might use multiple services. Some of these will broadcast their services live so that the unvaccinated and the extremely vulnerable who are not ready to risk attending such a gathering, can participate virtually.

As for me, I think that I fall into the latter category. This is why. On the one hand, I hate the idea of a government telling us as Godā€™s children when and how we can meet. Something inside me really struggles with this. However, as with all contagious pandemics, this is a very unique situation and I think compliance is appropriate.

First, I am pro-life to the core, and as a pro-life person, the safety of the vulnerable is paramount in my thinking. As I read the situation, the best way to keep people safe is to be vaccinated and where people in their wisdom choose not to be vaccinated, I want to protect them. I also want to protect the vulnerable for whom Covid-19 is lethal. It is irresponsible in my view, to allow anyone into a room to worship together without doing all we can to protect each other. I want those who regularly attend to know that we are concerned for their protection and so they can come to church knowing that those there are vaccinated. There are also children present, and I want to protect them and their families, and the best way to do this is to endorse the mandate.

Secondly, the intent of our government is not to limit peopleā€™s religious freedom, they are limiting the freedom of everyone and every group to protect people. In fact, this includes the unvaccinated who, in the view of most scientists in the fields, are much more vulnerable to hospitalisation and death. They are also trying to protect the health system so hospitals are not clogged up with Covid patients meaning people with other issues cannot get treatment. As such, their purpose is not anti-God, anti-Christian, or anti-religion, it is to stop people from getting together and spreading the virus to protect people and our health system. Hence, this is not like Revelation where a beastly ruler is forcing people into submission; our government is motivated for good and not ill. Hence, even if do quibble about aspects of the governmentā€™s response quite often, I feel constrained to ā€œin principle,ā€ support them.

Third, this is not forever. Their own regulations indicate that we will move through red to orange and then to green, and hopefully, in the not-too-distant future, we will be back living with pre-pandemic freedoms. As such, by yielding to their requirements I do so knowing that this is for a time, for the common good, and that by doing so, I/we are doing our bit to ensure that as few Kiwis as possible die from the pandemic.

Fourth, for Christians to be Christians they do not need to meet in large groups. There are many ways to meet. We can meet in small groups, outdoors, virtuallyā€”in fact, with modern technology, we have more ways of meeting available to us than any generation before us. We donā€™t need to sing; we can pray to God with masks on. We donā€™t have to hug. We donā€™t have to eat meals. At least, for a season. We can find ways to meet, protect each other, and not needlessly antagonise the government.

As such, I believe the church should obey the government concerning gatherings and vaccination certificates.

However, I also believe passionately that we need to do everything we can to make worship available to the unvaccinated. We can perhaps do this by encouraging people to meet in homes or other venues and join the service, or even in an outside setting where they can meet in greater numbers. Perhaps, if the weather is good, we can have our services outside to allow all people to attend evenly. We can stay with zoom gatherings. We can have multiple gatherings throughout the day. There are lots of creative things we can do.

It may be that the time will come in this pandemic when Christians should stand against the governmentā€™s regulations. But for me, it is not yet; in fact, it is not even close. I do hope that day never comes. 

I also know that some Christians and churches will disagree with me in this. I acknowledge your right to do so and encourage you to live to the Lord by your own conscience(s). I will not judge you for that and will love you as a brother or sister in Christ. I will support you. I will be praying for you and all Christians as we find our way through these times. 

I also encourage us all to remain united as Godā€™s people through this crisis. We are one people and we must continue to walk together as such. Getting vaccinated is not a command of God, it is something we all decide on. We can disagree on this and remain people who love one another and retain our unity. Christians have done this for centuries.  

All in all then, while we are all being severely tested in this time, I don't believe this is the time to resist the government and defy the vaccine passport gathering system. 


Anonymous saidā€¦
You say Jesus said pay taxes to Ceasars, that did not stop him being crucified by Ceasars. What is a Christian? Your fundamental difference to someone who is not, what &s it? Yes, you need to ask this ^f yourself. You know vaccine passports are in human, especially in the "my vaccine pass" states "they are only valid for 6 months" how much wool needs to be pulled over your eyes, before you realize you can't see what is going on. &ts never been about a flu. It's about a lethal injection, and THEM, taking control. If you don't care for EVERY ONE, then you hand Satan a free pass to pick up those you discard
Ireni saidā€¦
Thank you Mark for your considered and enlightening thoughts on this matter of obedience. I put my hand up to being a rebel, a protestor, a dissenting voice over the many decades I have been alive. Nuclear-free, anti-apartheid rugby tours, Greenpeace, reclaim the night - been there, done that March. So I donā€™t follow the Government in unquestioning obedience. However, I thank God that I live in a country that cares for people, that puts lives before profits and has navigated us well through this coronavirus pandemic.
May we continue to create space for all voices to be heard and to life a live of love as we are encouraged to do. Keep blogging!
Ron Maddox saidā€¦
Hi Mark,
I want to start by saying that I really appreciated my time at Laidlaw (over 10 years ago now) and learning the NT in several of your classes. It was a time I will always treasure, but I must be honest I am very disappointed in your continued support for this governmentā€™s response to Covid-19. My hope and encouragement for you and others who support the government and MSM narrative is to start watching, listening, and reading the voices that are being censored.

I prepared a detailed response to your blog which I have to split over 4 comments. This is part 1.

My fundamental issue with your Blog is your failure to recognise the nature of Evil and its presence in this world. Your belief in a fundamentally good government that cares for us has no biblical support and is very naĆÆve and dangerous especially coming from a Christian leader with influence. Here are some of my comments to your blog that bring this out.

In the second paragraph you provide the biblical basis for obeying governing authorities, which you sum up as ā€œThe general view is that governments are used by God as a means to govern your world to deal with evil and promote goodness.ā€ From my perspective, this is a very misleading statement. You canā€™t take verses like Romans 13:3-4 and absolutise them. They must be seen in the context of the book of Romans and the whole Bible. Did Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome deal with evil and promote goodness? Did all governments throughout modern history, including Nazi Germany, communist USSR and China deal with evil and promote goodness? The answer to both questions is No and Yes. The Kingdom of God never intended to have Kings or governing authorities but in a fallen world God has used governing authorities, which are inherently evil, to bring about judgment on evil nations / people groups including Godā€™s own people. He will then bring judgment upon the same governing authorities unless they repent like Nineveh (Jonah). We need to recognise that these governing authorities are of this world and as such they serve Satan not God. The good news is that God is in control over those governing this world and he uses them to fulfil his purposes.
Ron Maddox saidā€¦
Part 2 / 4
You go on to justify medical segregation / apartheid, which is what the government is implementing through their vaccine mandates, for several reasons, including:
ā€œFirst, I am pro-life to the core, and as a pro-life person, the safety of the vulnerable is paramount in my thinkingā€¦ There are also children present, and I want to protect them and their families, and the best way to do this is to endorse the mandate.ā€
ā€¢ In this statement, and your subsequent statements, you reveal your trust in the ā€œsingle source of truthā€. This trust or faith in our government means you likely judge other views contrary to the government narrative through the sources you trust. In the Bible, is truth found in the mainstream of society or on the fringes? In other words, is truth found in the world and the kingdoms that are ruled by Satan? The Kingdoms of this world, in contrast to the kingdom of God, is characterized by centralization of power. If you agree with this, why would you trust those who control the public narrative and who are also the primary beneficiaries?
ā€¢ Do you know who the vulnerable are that Covid-19 is lethal? Do you know that it is only lethal for those with co-morbidities, including the aged? Do you know that children have a 99.997% survival rate and that in fact most of them donā€™t even know they had it or the symptoms were very mild? Total excess mortality in 2020 was no different to prior years. The only difference was that the significant drop in cancer, cardiac, diabetic and other co-morbidities has been replaced by Covid-19 deaths. When you see that the average age of people dying from Covid-19 in Europe, the US and Australia is over 80 it is easy to conclude that people werenā€™t dying of Covid but with Covid, which is why someone who died from gun shots can still be classified as a Covid death. Can you see this? Are you aware that real scientists who disagree with the MSM narrative have been censored and character assassinated? Many of which I have followed for years before Covid-19 hit. Real science and a real democracy require public debate. Where has the debate gone? Have you seen the actual science that has supported lockdowns, mask wearing, social distancing and the demonization of therapeutics like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine? I havenā€™t because there is none. We are simply expected to accept their mandates and announcements as science and to trust the science which they never show. Where are the voices of the doctors who have successfully treated Covid-19 patients? I have listened to many of them, but the government and MSM never report on these. Why? Please reflect on these questions because it is very important.
Ron Maddox saidā€¦
Part 3 /4
ā€œSecondly, the intent of our government is not to limit peopleā€™s religious freedom, they are limiting the freedom of everyone and every group to protect peopleā€¦ As such, their purpose is not anti-God, anti-Christian, or anti-religion, it is to stop people from getting together and spreading the virus to protect people and our health system. Hence, this is not like Revelation where a beastly ruler is forcing people into submission; our government is motivated for good and not ill. Hence, even if do quibble about aspects of the governmentā€™s response quite often, I feel constrained to ā€œin principle,ā€ support them.ā€
ā€¢ I totally disagree with this statement. In fact, from my perspective the government response has been all about control and nothing to do with health. How can mandates not be seen as coercion, extortion, and force? Mandates remove ā€œinformed consentā€ a necessary requirement in a free society. As I mentioned above, they have not revealed any science to support what they are doing. We are simply to trust they are telling us the truth. Why have the voices of the vaccine injured, the lost businesses (over 26,000 in last 8 months), those who have lost their jobs due to vaccine mandates, those who have lost loved ones to suicide etc., not been given a public voice? The only voice the public are allowed to hear are those that support the government and MSM narrative, i.e., the voices of the powerful are given a public forum but the voices of those suffering have been silenced. Start looking through the lens of small businesses, of the vaccine injured, those who have lost their work due to vaccine mandates, families with school aged children and you might start asking questions of our government and MSM.

ā€œThird, this is not forever.ā€
ā€¢ This is naĆÆve at best and foolish at worst, and again reflects a different understanding of the nature of a fallen world and who rules this world and how he rules the world. It has been my understanding for several months now, especially after listening to the wise voices of Catherine Austin Fitts and Dr David Martin amongst others, that digital passports are essential to bringing in the New World Order, which is all about control. This is happening rapidly throughout the Western world. In NZ, we have Covid-19 legislation and mandates, climate change (zero carbon emissions), hate speech, conversion therapy, He Puapua, Three Waters Reform, new anti-Terrorism laws and the incredibly evil abortion laws. Some of these allowed for public consultation but it was all a pretense as the government went ahead and did what they wanted anyway. A great recent example of this is Three Waters Reform. Connect these to teaching of Critical Race Theory and Gender identity (in Godā€™s kingdom there is only man and woman) throughout the whole public education system and what you have in my opinion is a clear agenda. Add to these recent discussions on a cashless society and a social credit system like China's. What do they all have in common: Division (by vaccine status, race, and gender) and Control!
ā€¢ Once you start looking at government actions through the lens of control you will ask yourself who are the primary beneficiaries of their new laws and who are the losers? The question that naturally follows from this is what perspective does MSM reflect, those of the beneficiaries (where the power lies) or the losers (the powerless)?
Ron Maddox saidā€¦
Part 4 / 4
ā€œFourth, for Christians to be Christians they do not need to meet in large groupsā€¦ We donā€™t need to sing; we can pray to God with masks on. We donā€™t have to hug. We donā€™t have to eat meals. At least, for a season. We can find ways to meet, protect each other, and not needlessly antagonise the government.ā€
ā€¢ Your failure to recognise evil and your faith in good government is bad enough but then to add salt to this you have, in my opinion, a totally distorted view of what it means to be human and what it means to be healthy. We need to connect with each other, with nature and with God to be fully human (the Garden of Eden narrative makes that clear). Satan, through his servants the governing authorities, knows this and has distorted our genuine care and love for others to justify disconnection (masks, no hugs, no meals). Every solution that the government has mandated for our health, from masking, social distancing, lockdowns, mandatory vaccines is about division and control and is detrimental to our health and our humanity. Have you asked why in almost 2 years there has been nothing from the government about what healthy living looks like? God blessed us with an amazing body that can heal itself if it is looked after.
ā€¢ When the gospel does not antagonize the government and the worldā€™s powers it is no longer the gospel. "I have given them your word; and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world." John 17:14 ESV. Is there anywhere in the Bible where Godā€™s faithful remnant were not hated by the world? It is not a sign of a healthy church when it agrees with the authorities of this world, in fact it is the opposite.

You end by asking us not to judge one another and encouraging us to remain united as Godā€™s people.
ā€¢ I agree that we should not judge one another but we should judge our actions. When actions are antithetical to the gospel of the Kingdom of God they need to be called out. We must always speak the truth in love. How others respond to the truth is on them not us.
ā€¢ Our love for one another is how we witness to the world, but when I speak my truth to the church that I believe our government has an evil agenda to control our lives and that Covid-19 is not a pandemic but is being used to psychologically train us to be obedient and to introduce the digital vaccine passport system to bring about this control, how will you and others respond? Will you allow me and those who share my faith to have a voice in our churches? Will our churches allow the voices of the vaccine injured like Casey Hodgkinson or these two young fit men, Ben and Dan to be heard? How can we be in unity when the unvaccinated arenā€™t allowed to be in fellowship with the vaccinated? What happens when you and the church that is supportive of government actions realize that the governmentā€™s vaccine passport system is permanent? Will you find some way of supporting and justifying this?

The real pandemic is those that have decided not to think because their group identity is more important. How do you think your church or Laidlaw College would respond if you held my position? I can go on, but ultimately you and those who currently support the government are going to have to choose whether they will stand with the unvaccinated or with Government? This choice is inevitable and will lead to either separation from the unvaccinated or opposition to the Government. You and I both see the world very differently, but which position is consistent with the world we see in the Bible? Where does evil primarily manifest in the Bible? Does the Bible reflect the position of the powerless or powerful? Which voices are we listening to?
I am happy to have a conversation with you or anyone else on this because it is essential that we do remain united as Godā€™s people so we can witness to the rest of the world what love, and unity looks like even when we have significant disagreements like we do.

Jono Yeow saidā€¦
Hi Mark, appreciate the thoughts laid out. I agree with you that protecting others and looking out for their well-being is very important. However, we differ in our conclusion, because I would suggest that you have based your conclusions on assumptions which are not supported by evidence.
#1 False assumption: that vaccinated are less likely to transmit Covid. This is a long discussion. Perhaps we could agree that the Ministry of Health is fairly trustworthy. As the MOH read the situation, "When there is high COVID-19 vaccine coverage (i.e., above 80 percent of eligible people are fully vaccinated), transmission is more likely to occur from a vaccinated than an unvaccinated individual."

#2 False assumption: "our government is motivated for good and not ill." I am very interested in how you have come to believe this. Perhaps you follow the news media routinely, or perhaps you believe it is true because the government tells you that they are doing this for the good of NZ. I would suggest that the most believable lies are served with large portions of truth. We could take the conversation between the snake and Eve in Genesis 3 as an example for how events can unfold when we assume another's words are truth, excepting the words from our Father.

In the current Covid situation, I believe almost all New Zealanders want to remain healthy and look after those around us and prevent deaths. I thank you for the willingness to listen and support those who have a different point of view to yourself.

Many Blessings,
Ufa88kh saidā€¦
The above article is nice and interesting, thank you willing to share! Greetings success of admin

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